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It's recommended not to use those swipes as it is since they aren't directly to YOUR customers like you communicate with them. Instead, use these email swipes to model and create your own promo

Pre-Launch Emails

Email #1


  • [Workshop] Create Unlimited Short Videos Without Recording A Short EVER!
  • [Live Training] How To Create Hundreds Of Viral Shorts Without Making ANY!


Hey there,

What if you could create as many short videos as you want without ever having to:

  • Write a script yourself…
  • Recording your face on camera…
  • Coming up with unique content ideas…
  • Or worrying about editing your short clips…

Sounds like a dream, right?

Well, it’s NOT a dream anymore… 

Now you can create months’ worth of short videos in advance without ever being in front of a camera…

The best part is…

This works even if you have never faced a camera in your life - you can completely GO VIRAL - we have tons of examples… and you can be the next one.

If you’ve read the email so far… it means two things:

  • You’re interested in creating short videos for Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, And Facebook…
  • You want to know how is it possible to create months’ worth of short videos without ever recording yourself or writing anything…

Well, if that’s you - click on the link below and register for the special webinar where we’ll reveal everything…

It’s going to be a life-changing workshop…

Go here and register now before someone else does (500 spots)

Talk soon,

[Your Name]

Email #2


  • [NEW] One Long Video = Multiple Short Clips
  • [2024] Going Viral Without Making Videos Yourself!


Hey there,

Have you ever watched a reel or YouTube short?

*stupid question* 

You do that every day… I do it… your customers and clients do it… In fact - 95% of the people with a smartphone and a social account watch reels and shorts daily.

You might’ve seen people turn into overnight sensations with one viral reel…

The truth is…

One viral video can:

  • Unlock boatloads of traffic for your business
  • Help you build an email list that keeps buying from you
  • Generate hundreds and thousands of followers
  • Get you all the sales and clients you want for your business

Short videos are so powerful… and the fact that we spend precious hours of our time watching them makes them even better.

So if you’re not utilizing the power of short videos in your business - you’re leaving leads, customers, and a bag of money on the table.

Luckily a friend of mine is hosting a workshop where he’ll show you a bulletproof method to turn the videos you already have into viral short reels…

Plus, you’ll learn how you can monetize other people’s YouTube videos and use them to grow on any video platform…

This is a super exclusive launch special workshop so spots are going to be limited… if you’re serious about video marketing…

Go here and reserve your spot now!

Talk soon,

[Your Name]

Email #3


  • Ever Feel Like A Fish In The Sea?
  •  [Super Exclusive] Invitation For A Launch Party…


Hey there,

In today's video-driven market, you either go viral or vanish.

Even if you've poured your heart into your dream business, you might still be just another fish in a massive ocean.

But what if you could turn one long video into multiple viral shots? Or transform a single YouTube video into a series of attention-grabbing shorts?

Imagine grabbing your audience's attention in seconds, not minutes.

There's a brand new tool that can do exactly that. It's revolutionizing how businesses create content, making it easier than ever to stand out in the crowded digital landscape.

This game-changing app doesn't just follow "best practices" - it sets new standards. It's the difference between being a clone of your competitors and being the brand that truly resonates with your audience.

Want to see it in action? 

We're hosting an exclusive launch special workshop where this new app will be revealed. But hurry - there are only 300 spots available.

Register now and claim your spot for the workshop before they're all gone!

Go here to reserve your spot (few spots left)

Talk soon,

[Your Name]

Open Cart Emails

Email 1:


  • Slick is LIVE (and it's hungrier for attention than your content)


It's go time, [Name]!

Slick has left the building... and landed smack dab in our digital shop.

But here's the kicker - we're only letting 300 people into this content paradise. Why? Because we want to give you more support than a triple-reinforced sports bra.

Let me break it down for you:

Slick isn't just another tool. It's as if a content marketing genius and an AI had a superhero baby. This bad boy can:

  • Turn one piece of content into a content explosion faster than you can say "viral"
  • Make your stuff more addictive than your favorite Netflix series
  • Get your content seen on every platform without you lifting a finger

In today's scrolling frenzy, most content gets about as much attention as a mime at a rock concert. But with Slick? You're going from invisible to unmissable.

Ready to stop being a small fish in a big pond and start being the shark everyone's afraid of? (Content-wise, of course. I don't condone actual sharking.)

Grab your copy before all spots are gone: [LINK]

To infinity and beyond! (Or at least to your first viral post),

[Your Name]

P.S. This price is lower than my standards were in college. It won't stay that way for long. Don't miss out on your chance to join the content creator elite!

Email 2:


  • Is your content invisible? Here's why (and how to fix it)


Hey [Name],

Let me ask you a question...

When was the last time your content actually got noticed?


Last week?

Last... year?

I don't know the answer... and maybe you don't either...

Because here's the thing...

In today's scrolling frenzy, most content gets about as much attention as a mime at a rock concert.

But what if I told you there's a way to make your content pop like fireworks on the 4th of July?

Enter Slick.

This bad boy isn't just another tool. It's as if a content marketing genius and an AI had a superhero baby.

Slick can:

  • Turn one piece of content into a content explosion
  • Make your stuff more addictive than your favorite Netflix series
  • Get your content seen on every platform without you lifting a finger

Ready to go from invisible to unmissable?

Slick is now live. But here's the kicker - we're only letting 300 people in.

Grab your copy here: [LINK]

To your soon-to-be-viral content,

[Your Name]

Email 3:


  • The content hack that'll make you feel like you've got superpowers


Hey [Name],

Remember when I told you about how most content gets ignored faster than you can say "TikTok"?

Well, today I'm tossing you a lifeline.

Picture this: You're standing in front of a magical machine. On one side, you feed in a single, lonely piece of content.

On the other side? BAM! Out pops a steaming hot pile of 50 bite-sized, platform-optimized pieces of content gold.

Sounds like something out of Willy Wonka's Content Factory, right?

Well, my friend, it's real. And it's called Slick.

Here's what Slick does:

1. Takes your "one and done" content and turns it into a content feast

2. Sprinkles AI magic dust to make your stuff irresistible

3. Distributes your content everywhere faster than you can say "algorithm"

This isn't just about working smarter, not harder. It's about bending space and time to your will. 

Okay, maybe that's a bit dramatic, but you get the idea.

Slick is your ticket to joining the content creator elite. But remember, we're only letting 300 people in.

Ready to feel like a content superhero? Grab your spot here: [LINK]

To your future content empire,

[Your Name]

P.S. Tomorrow, the price goes up faster than my blood pressure during Game of Thrones' final season. Don't miss out!

Email 4:


  • Holy guacamole! Slick is 50% sold out already!


Well, well, well. Looks like you're not the only smart cookie in the jar, [Name].

In just 24 hours, over half of our Slick spots have been snapped up faster than free pizza at a college dorm.

Why the feeding frenzy, you ask?

  • Slick is hotter than a jalapeño popper fresh out of the oven
  • It turns your content from wallflower to life of the party
  • It makes creating viral-worthy content easier than ordering takeout

If you're still doing the "should I, shouldn't I" dance, it's time to make up your mind. Once these spots are gone, they're gone like my motivation on a Monday morning.

Remember, Slick isn't just another tool. It's your secret weapon in the content wars. It's what separates the scrolled past from the shared-like-crazy.

Secure your spot before it slips away: [LINK]

Don't let FOMO be your middle name,

[Your Name]

P.S. Still on the fence? I'll show you an example of content that Slick helped create. It got more views than my embarrassing high school photos. Just click the link.

Email 5:


  • Tick tock... Slick's clock is about to stop


[Name], I hope you're sitting down for this.

In just 24 hours, we're shutting the doors on Slick faster than you can say "viral content."

Let's do a quick recap of what you're missing if you don't jump on this rocket ship:

  • Slick: Your personal content genie (no lamp required)
  • The power to turn one piece of content into a content explosion
  • The ability to make your content pop on every platform
  • A chance to join the elite club of content creators who actually make bank

Don't let this be the one that got away. Your future self is begging you.

Here's the deal - creating content that gets noticed is harder than trying to eat soup with a fork. But with Slick, it's as easy as pie. (Mmm... pie.)

Last chance to grab your copy: [LINK]

To your content domination,

[Your Name]

P.S. When the timer hits zero, this offer will self-destruct. Okay, not really, but it will disappear faster than my New Year's resolutions.

Email 6:


  • 3 hours left (cue dramatic music)


This is it, [Name]. The final countdown.

In just 3 hours, Slick is pulling up the drawbridge, battening down the hatches, and riding off into the sunset.

If you're still on the fence, ask yourself:

  • Do I enjoy spending hours creating content that gets less attention than a tree falling in an empty forest?
  • Is my current online presence more ghost town than Times Square?
  • Am I ready to go from content zero to content hero?

If you answered "hell no" to the first two and "heck yes" to the last one, then what are you waiting for? 

An engraved invitation?

This is your last chance to join the Slick revolution before the price goes up higher than a cat's back at the sight of a cucumber.

With Slick, you're not just creating content. You're creating content that converts. Content that gets seen. Content that makes you money.

Final boarding call: [LINK]

To your imminent content stardom,

[Your Name]

P.S. The next time Slick opens, it'll be more expensive than a cappuccino at the airport. This is your last shot at this incredible deal. Don't blow it!

Live Swipes

Email 1:


  • Create viral shorts without ever facing the camera
  • Create Faceless Content By Turning Text Into Video
  • 1 Long Video = 50 Short Clips (No Camera Needed)


Hey there,

Ever wonder how some content creators are pumping out viral shorts like it's nothing?

Let me introduce you to Slick - the AI-powered tool that's changing the game for content creators, marketers, and businesses.

Here's what Slick can do:

✓ Turn any YouTube video or your own content into multiple short clips

✓ Create faceless videos using just text and AI voiceovers

✓ Automatically edit, add captions, and insert b-roll footage

✓ Adapt videos to any platform's format with a single click

✓ Translate content into over 100 languages instantly

And the best part? It's as easy as 1-2-3:

UPLOAD: Paste a YouTube URL, your video, or just text

CUSTOMIZE: Let AI work its magic and create multiple shorts for you

POST: Pick your format and share it across platforms

Slick is designed to save you time and effort in video creation, whether you're comfortable on camera or prefer to stay behind the scenes.

Want to learn more about how Slick can transform your content creation process?

Click here to get all the details on Slick!

To your content creation success,

[Your Name]

Email 2:


  • Turn one long video into 50 viral clips with AI
  • Multiply your content output with Slick
  • From long-form to short-form: AI video transformation


Hey there,

Remember when I told you about Slick, the AI-powered tool that turns content into viral shorts?

I want to dive deeper into one of its most powerful features: the ability to generate multiple short clips from a single piece of content.

Here's how it works:

  • Upload a long-form video or paste a YouTube URL or add text
  • Slick's AI analyzes the content and identifies key points
  • It automatically generates up to 50 short clips from that single video

Each clip is optimized for social media, with:

  • Engaging captions
  • Relevant b-roll footage
  • Appropriate aspect ratios for different platforms

And if you prefer not to be on camera? No problem. Slick can create these clips using AI voiceovers and visuals generated from text input.

Imagine the potential of turning one piece of content into 50 opportunities to engage your audience across multiple platforms.

Want to see how Slick can multiply your content output? 

Check out the demo here.

To your content multiplication,

[Your Name]

Email #3

Subject lines:

  • Camera-shy? Create viral videos without showing your face
  • Turn text into video: No camera required
  • Overcome camera fear with AI-powered video creation


Hey there,

Let's talk about the elephant in the room: camera fear.

If the thought of facing a camera makes you break out in a cold sweat, you're not alone. But here's the thing - in today's video-driven world, you can't afford to let camera shyness hold you back.

That's where Slick comes in, with a game-changing feature that's perfect for the camera-shy among us: faceless content creation.

Here's how it works:

  • You provide the text - a short script for video
  • Slick's AI generates a natural-sounding voiceover 
  • The AI automatically adds relevant animations and images and creates the video

The result? A professional-looking video that engages your audience - without you ever stepping in front of a camera.

But that's not all. With Slick, you can:

  • Choose from a variety of AI voices to match your brand
  • Select different animation styles to suit your content
  • Add background music and sound effects automatically
  • Optimize your video for any social media platform

Imagine being able to create compelling video content for TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and more - all without showing your face.

No more worrying about how you look on camera. No more retakes because you flubbed a line. Just clear, engaging content that gets your message across.

Whether you're a business owner, marketer, educator, or content creator, Slick's faceless video feature lets you harness the power of video marketing without the stress of being on camera.

Ready to overcome your camera fear and start creating engaging videos? 

Check out Slick's faceless content feature here

To your on-screen success (even when you're off-screen),

[Your Name]

Email 4:


  • Professional videos, no editing skills needed
  • AI: Your new video editing assistant
  • Streamline your video creation process


Hey there,

Let's face it: video editing can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially if you're not a pro.

That's where Slick comes in. This AI-powered tool is designed to make video creation accessible to everyone, regardless of their editing skills.

Here's what Slick can do for you:

  • Automatically remove filler words and awkward pauses
  • Add engaging captions and subtitles
  • Insert relevant B-roll footage
  • Apply professional-looking transitions and effects
  • Optimize videos for any social media platform

All of this happens with minimal input from you. Just upload your content (or even just text), and Slick's AI takes care of the rest.

And if you're not comfortable on camera? Slick's got you covered with its text-to-video feature, complete with AI voiceovers.

No more wrestling with complex editing software. No more hours spent trying to perfect your video.

Want to see how easy video creation can be?

Check out Slick in action here.

To hassle-free video creation,

[Your Name]

Email 5:


  • Reach a global audience with AI video translation
  • Break language barriers in your video content
  • 100+ languages, one video tool


Hey there,

In today's interconnected world, the ability to reach a global audience is more important than ever.

That's why I'm excited to tell you about one of Slick's most powerful features: instant video translation.

Here's what it can do:

- Translate your video content into over 100 languages

- Generate natural-sounding AI voiceovers in the target language

- Automatically create subtitles in the new language

- Maintain the timing and flow of the original video

All of this happens with just a few clicks. No need to hire translators or voice actors.

Imagine being able to share your content with audiences around the world, breaking down language barriers effortlessly.

And remember, if you prefer not to appear on camera, Slick can create these multilingual videos using AI voiceovers and visuals generated from text.

Want to see how Slick can help you go global? 

Check out the DEMO here.

To your worldwide reach,

[Your Name]

Email 6:


  • Create a month's content in one afternoon
  • Supercharge your content output with AI
  • Work smarter: AI-powered content multiplication


Hey there,

Content creation can be a real time-sink, can't it? Constantly coming up with ideas, recording, editing... it never ends.

But what if you could create a month's worth of content in just one afternoon?

That's the power of Slick. Here's how it works:

  • Input one long-form piece of content (video, YouTube URL, or even just text)
  • Slick's AI breaks it down into multiple short-form pieces
  • Each piece is automatically edited, captioned, and optimized for different platforms

In just a few hours, you could have:

  • Multiple TikTok/Instagram Reels videos
  • Several YouTube Shorts
  • LinkedIn video posts
  • Snapchat video clips

All from one initial piece of content. And if you're camera-shy? Slick can create all of these using AI voiceovers and generated visuals.

Imagine how much time this could save you. Imagine how consistent your content output could be.

Want to see how Slick can supercharge your content creation? 

Check out the features here

To your content abundance,

[Your Name]

Email 7:


  • Last chance: Revolutionize your content creation
  • AI video creation: Final call for current offer
  • Transform your content strategy with Slick


Hey there,

I've been telling you about Slick, the AI-powered video creation tool, and I wanted to give you one last overview of its capabilities:

✓ Turn any YouTube video or your own content into multiple short clips

✓ Create faceless videos using just text, add AI voiceovers, and more

✓ Automatically edit, add captions, and insert B-roll footage

✓ Adapt videos to any platform's format with a single click

✓ Translate content into over 100 languages instantly

✓ Generate up to 50 short clips from a single piece of content

All of this is designed to save you time, expand your reach, and boost your content output - whether you're comfortable on camera or prefer to stay behind the scenes.

Slick is all about making professional-quality video creation accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical skills or camera comfort.

If you've been considering ways to step up your content game, Slick could be the tool you've been looking for.

Want to learn more about how Slick can transform your content creation process? This is your last chance to check it out before our current offer ends:

Grab Slick Here Before It’s GONE!

To your content revolution,

[Your Name]

P.S. Remember, Slick is designed to work for you whether you're a seasoned video pro or a complete beginner. Why not see what it can do for your content strategy?

Email #4


  • The 15-second secret to skyrocketing your business


Hey there,

Did you know that short-form videos get 2.5x more engagement than long-form content? Or that 73% of consumers prefer to learn about a product or service through a short video?

These aren't just numbers – they're game-changers for your business.

In a world where attention spans are shrinking (now just 3 seconds on average), short videos aren't just trending – they're essential. 

But creating engaging short-form content consistently? That's been the challenge... until now.

We're hosting an exclusive live webinar to reveal a revolutionary new app that's changing the game. 

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll discover:

  • How to turn one long video into multiple viral shorts in just a few clicks
  • The secret to transforming any YouTube video into a series of attention-grabbing Instagram Reels or TikToks
  • Why this new app is 10x faster than traditional video editing methods
  • How to leverage AI to create scroll-stopping captions and hooks for your videos
  • Real case studies of businesses that have doubled their engagement using this tool

This isn't just another "how-to" webinar. We're pulling back the curtain on a tool that's about to disrupt the entire digital marketing landscape.

But here's the catch: We're limiting attendance to just 300 participants to ensure everyone gets maximum value.

Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Claim your spot now and be among the first to harness the power of this game-changing app.

Register here before all spots are taken!

See you at the webinar!

[Your Name]


Remember, only 300 spots are available. Once they're gone, they're gone. Secure yours now!

Email #5


  • [Workshop Today] Final Reminder To Register
  • [Last Spot] Going Viral With Short Clips (Without Recording Yourself)


Hey there,

Final reminder. 

This is your last chance to register for the special workshop where you’ll learn how to turn one video into tons of viral clips…

And monetize those clips to make money hands off. 

If you want attend this exclusive workshop without having to pay a dime… 

Click here now and register your spot!

Talk soon,

[Your Name]